We at Westminster University are launching two new apprenticeships: Level 6 Chartered Manager and Level 6 Project Manager. Come and join us for the Launch Event on 7 February 2023. Book here.
We’re having an Apprenticeship Careers Fair on 8 February 2023, 3-5pm. This will be attended by schools, colleges and other potential apprentices. If you would like to have a stand at this event (free of charge) to meet these candidates, we still have a few available. Please reply to this email for more information.
Come and join us for the Apprenticeships Showcase event taking place on 9 February 2023. Meet our Apprenticeship Team, our tutors, network with other employers and have a tour of our campus. Book here.
Apprenticeship Vacancies:
If you have plans to recruit apprentices and wish to advertise an apprenticeship vacancy to potential apprentices, we can now do this for you free of charge. Simply fill out the Vacancy Form and we’ll add the opportunity to our mailing list.
We hope you had a wonderful 2022 and we look forward to seeing you at some point in 2023!